This means that if HighSide receives a subpoena for information on a specific client or organization, we are fundamentally unable to provide anything other than the client’s basic "know your customer information," such as contact details, IP addresses and if required by law, the fully encrypted data itself. For a full list of data HighSide has access to, please refer to our privacy policy.
The inquiring agency may then choose to approach the client directly for additional information or to request the keys for decrypting the data.
Please note that HighSide is not designed to be a platform for anonymous use – it is a tool for legitimate teams, businesses and organizations to conduct operations securely. While HighSide, a Delaware company, is unable to decrypt data at the request of law enforcement agencies, when obligated by U.S. law, HighSide will make every effort to cooperate with authorities.
For more information, please feel free to contact us anytime.